Neo4j schema and API project: Restagraph

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Neo4j schema and API project: Restagraph

Post by JamesF » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:17 am

If anybody's using Neo4j, and wishes it had an enforceable schema and a REST API based on that schema, Restagraph delivers most of that. I can't push a schema into the database itself, but I did provide the means for defining one in there, from which an API is generated on the fly.

It's a long way from mature, and the docs are a mite sparse, but it does work well enough for me to build a domain-specific application on top of it.

I'm posting about it here because I built it in CL, based on Edi Weitz' brilliant Hunchentoot, and using neo4cl to communicate with the database.

If anybody actually tries it out and has feedback, I'd love to hear it.

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