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Specific indentatiom

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:08 am
by whandler
Hi all

I have a large body of code to work with, emacs being the common editor. The company that wrote the code suite has their own preprocessor they run that has some functions that start with an @ symbol that should not be indented. It looks like this

int function() {

Basically, all the @ commands, that are processed by the preprocessor they wrote to make c code cannot be indented.

I turned on the c style indentation and syntax highlighting in my .emacs file, but would like the code to indent the preproceesor lines, which do not end witha semi colon, properly.

Would anyone have any suggestions on how to do this with emacs?



Re: Specific indentatiom

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:16 pm
by omouse
I think to properly indent things, you would need to redefine a regular-expression somewhere that is used to define lines or words. I'm not sure exactly which variables the indentation-function uses.