Tips to improve my program

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Tips to improve my program

Post by indianerrostock » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:02 pm


I am new to Lisp and wrote a little program that:
(1) Load a file with sports. (One sport per line.)
(2) Load a Java file as template.
(3) Clean the single sport word.
(4) Replace a placeholder (*template-holder*) in the template file with the sport word.
(5) Store the template in a new file with the sport as file name.

Code: Select all

(defparameter *template* "")                                      
(defparameter *sports* "sports.csv")
(defparameter *action-folder* "actions/")
(defparameter *action-class* ".java")
(defparameter *template-holder* "#NAME#")

(defun load-file-ms (file)
  "Loads the single lines of the template file into a list."
  (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input)
     (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
           and line-count from 0
        while line
        collect line into lines
        finally (return (values lines line-count)))))

(defun load-file-os (file)
  "Returns the whole content of the file in one string."
  (with-open-file (stream file)
    (let* ((len (file-length stream))
           (data (make-string len)))
      (values data (read-sequence data stream)))))

(defun save-file(file content)
  "Save the content in the given file."
  (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output)
    (print (output content) stream)))

(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
  "Returns a new string in which all the occurences of the part 
  is replaced with replacement. !! For long strings, this version
  is notptimized!! 
  This code is from:"
  (with-output-to-string (out)
    (loop with part-length = (length part)
            for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
            for pos = (search part string
                              :start2 old-pos
                              :test test)
            do (write-string string out
                              :start old-pos
                              :end (or pos (length string)))
            when pos do (write-string replacement out)
            while pos)))

(defun clean(string)
  "Replaces bad characters in the given string."
  (setq string (replace-all string " " "_"))
  (dolist (toreplace '("?" "/" "(" ")" "," ".")) 
    (setq string (replace-all string toreplace "")))
  (dolist (toreplace '("-" "__"))
    (setq string (replace-all string toreplace "_")))

(defun create-classes()
  "Replaces a template string in the template file with another
  string and stores the result in a file that has the name of
  the replacement string."
  (let ((sports (load-file-ms *sports*))
        (jclass (load-file-os *template*)))
      (dolist (item sports) (create-sport jclass (clean item)))))

(defun create-sport (template item)
  "Save the template in a file and replaces the occurence of the
  *template-holder* by the item."
  (save-file (concatenate 'string *action-folder* item *action-class*) (replace-all template *template-holder* item)))
I'm still in the learning phase and would be happy if there are some comments on how I can make the code more simple and better. I know that this code is not really good.
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Warren Wilkinson
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Re: Tips to improve my program

Post by Warren Wilkinson » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:18 pm

  • You could hardcode the sports to avoid having to do any file I/O retrieving them. You also wouldn't have to do any cleaning on them.
  • If you have a string constant that is only used in one place, its probably better to just put it in the code body rather than a parameter.
Those two changes will make your code about as small (loc) as it can be. It reads a file from disk and replaces all occurrances of #NAME# with something else and then saves the string to another file.

I wrote another version that I hoped would be more efficient, I had hoped it would be smaller loc, but it didn't work out that way. This version would read a string (which I've hardcoded here) and records the positions of every occurrance of #NAME# into *markers*. Then it creates a new string where #NAME# is replaced with the longest sport name and *markers* updated to refer to the sport name locations in the new string.

Then the system churns away on smaller and smaller sport names, destructively modifying that new string by copying data backwards and writing in the new smaller sport name, and then outputing the data.

Code: Select all

(defconstant +sports+ (sort '("baseball" "hockey" "badminton" "poker" "go" "monopoly") #'> :key #'length))
(defparameter *replace-str* "#NAME#")

(defvar *template*) ;; Holds the current template string
(defvar *markers*)  ;; holds a list of replacable string start locations
(defvar *replace-len*) ;; holds the length of the replacable strings.

(defun load-template () (setf *template* "#NAME# is a sport where players play #NAME#. Enjoy an exciting game of #NAME#."))

(defun prepare-markers ()
  (setf *replace-len* (length *replace-str*))
  (setf *markers* (loop with position = 0
		        for nextmarker = (position #\# *template* :test #'char= :start position)
		        while nextmarker
		        if (string-equal *template* *replace-str* :start1 nextmarker
					 :end1 (min (+ nextmarker *replace-len*) (length *template*)))
		        collect nextmarker
		        do (setf position (1+ nextmarker)))))

(defun grow-template ()
  ;; Grow template into a new string inserting the first sport into every occurance of *replace-str*
  (let* ((diff (- (length (car +sports+)) *replace-len*))
	 (new (make-string (+ (* (length *markers*) diff) (length *template*)))))
    (loop with src = 0
          with dest = 0
          for marker in *markers*
	  do (replace new *template* :start1 dest :start2 src :end2 marker)
	  do (incf dest (- marker src))
	  do (replace new (car +sports+) :start1 dest)
	  do (incf dest (length (car +sports+)))
	  do (setf src (+ marker *replace-len*))
	  finally (replace new *template* :start1 dest :start2 src))
    (setf *replace-len* (length (car +sports+)))
    (setf *template* new)
    (loop for m on (cdr *markers*) ;; Update the markers to refer to our new larger template.
	  do (map-into m #'(lambda (v) (+ v diff)) m))))

(defun process-template (true-length new-value)
  (loop for m on *markers*
        with diff = (- *replace-len* (length new-value))
        do (replace *template* *template* :start1 (car m) :start2 (+ (car m) diff) :end2  true-length)
        do (replace *template* new-value :start1 (car m))
        do (map-into (cdr m) #'(lambda (v) (- v diff)) (cdr m))
        do (decf true-length diff))
  (setf *replace-len* (length new-value))
(defun output-sport (length name) (format t "~%~s: " name) (write-sequence *template* *standard-output* :end length))

(defun create-classes ()
  (let ((true-length (length *template*)))
    (output-sport true-length (car +sports+))
    (dolist (sport (cdr +sports+))
      (setf true-length (process-template true-length sport))
      (output-sport true-length sport))))

;; output
"badminton": badminton is a sport where players play badminton. Enjoy an exciting game of badminton.
"baseball": baseball is a sport where players play baseball. Enjoy an exciting game of baseball.
"monopoly": monopoly is a sport where players play monopoly. Enjoy an exciting game of monopoly.
"hockey": hockey is a sport where players play hockey. Enjoy an exciting game of hockey.
"poker": poker is a sport where players play poker. Enjoy an exciting game of poker.
"go": go is a sport where players play go. Enjoy an exciting game of go.
For kicks, heres a performance comparision.

Code: Select all

;; Heres the original code, slightly modified to be easily compared too.

(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
  "Returns a new string in which all the occurences of the part 
  is replaced with replacement. !! For long strings, this version
  is notptimized!! 
  This code is from:"
  (with-output-to-string (out)
    (loop with part-length = (length part)
            for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
            for pos = (search part string
                              :start2 old-pos
                              :test test)
            do (write-string string out
                              :start old-pos
                              :end (or pos (length string)))
            when pos do (write-string replacement out)
            while pos)))

(defun create-sport (item)
  "Save the template in a file and replaces the occurence of the
  *template-holder* by the item."
  (replace-all *template* *replace-str* item))

(defun create-classes-orig()
  "Replaces a template string in the template file with another
  string and stores the result in a file that has the name of
  the replacement string."
  (dolist (sport +sports+) (create-sport sport)))


(defun output-sport (length name) (declare (ignore length name)) nil)   ;; Neither test does any output.
(defun load-template () (setf *template* "#NAME# is a sport where players play #NAME#. Enjoy an exciting game of #NAME#."))

(time (dotimes (x 1000) (create-classes)))
(time (dotimes (x 1000) (create-classes-orig)))

;; NEW
Evaluation took:
  0.072 seconds of real time
  0.059991 seconds of total run time (0.059991 user, 0.000000 system)
  83.33% CPU
  191,298,856 processor cycles
  1,359,128 bytes consed

Evaluation took:
  0.087 seconds of real time
  0.076988 seconds of total run time (0.076988 user, 0.000000 system)
  88.51% CPU
  233,234,512 processor cycles
  5,521,656 bytes consed

;; Mine is slightly faster, and conses less. 

(defun load-template ()
  (setf *template* "#NAME# is a sport where players play #NAME#. Enjoy an exciting game of #NAME#.
Lets make #NAME# have a really big file thats more like a java file. #NAME# #NAME# #NAME# the more
times we use #NAME# the more work that needs to be done. I'm not sure how that will affect timing.

It might be interesting to have a large string with no #NAME# and another thats entirely #NAME#. 
In anycase, lets assume lets go on for 10 more lines so I'll have done a good test of #NAME# replacement.

Ten more lines... but what will I write about? I could write about the sport #NAME#, but since #NAME#
could be hockey, poker, or anything, I wouldn't know what to say.  Nintendo could be a sport, I mean
if ball room dancing, diving and #NAME# are sports than anything goes right?  I hope to see #NAME# in
the olympics in the future. 

6 more lines.  Can I make it, ... naw, lets just leave it at this.  6 additional lines is good enough 
for #NAME#."))

(time (dotimes (x 1000) (create-classes)))
(time (dotimes (x 1000) (create-classes-orig)))

;; NEW
Evaluation took:
  2.582 seconds of real time
  2.298650 seconds of total run time (2.296651 user, 0.001999 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.014 seconds GC time, and 2.285 seconds non-GC time. ]
  89.04% CPU
  6,889,699,924 processor cycles
  19,386,288 bytes consed

Evaluation took:
  0.930 seconds of real time
  0.821874 seconds of total run time (0.818875 user, 0.002999 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.034 seconds GC time, and 0.788 seconds non-GC time. ]
  88.39% CPU
  2,480,776,628 processor cycles
  60,952,040 bytes consed
So suprisingly, my new more-efficient version is more complicated and slower. I would guess that replace isn't as fast as a bulk memory copy, which I assumed it would be under the hood. Anyway, neat problem.
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