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Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:59 am
by santiago

I'm trying to load an LISP application into Java. I've tried ABCL, Jlinker with Allegro CL, and Jacol now into Windows and Eclipse (Java).

With ABCL I've gotten a lot of errors of memory when I try to load my lisp application into jvm of abcl

With Jlinker, I'm trying to load into Java the debug console message of Allegro CL when I start some lisp sentance, but I don't got it. The only thing that I got it, its to call some lisp function with an integer value (jlinker exaple), but no with the console messages from allegro CL, for exaple the format lisp function.

I'm trying now CLIPS and I've done the mem image and loaded my lisp application and works fine, but I don't know, how to call and obtain response from Java to the CLIPS mem image....

I need some example using Java with Jlinker (Allegro CL) or Java with JACOL (CLISP)


Re: Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:18 pm
by gugamilare
Try contacting ABCL's mailing list.

If you don't mind abandoning Common Lisp, you can try out Clojure.

Re: Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:31 am
by santiago

The problem with clojure is that I need to rewrite my lisp code. For example changing all defun to defn, or change setq lo let....


Re: Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:41 pm
by gugamilare
Indeed, I'm not a big fan of Clojure and its purist ideology of side-effect-free programming.

Java does lack a good support from Lisp side. Python, on the other hand, has better options and is more similar to Lisp, in case you have the option of using Python instead of Java :)

Re: Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:28 pm
by astalla
I have contributed code to ABCL in the past and I know it quite well. Perhaps I can help you. Also if you use IRC you can find some ABCL people on the #abcl channel on Freenode.

ABCL is a fully ANSI-compliant CL implementation. That means that ANSI CL code should run there without hassles. However, a lot of code uses features outside of the ANSI standard, either directly or through libraries. Some of those features might not be available on ABCL, most notably certain parts of the CLOS MOP.

Does your application use any libraries? Can you load them on ABCL separately from your application? And, since you mention memory-related errors, does your application or some library rely heavily on recursion? ABCL does not implement any form of TCO, so you might be seeing stack overflow errors.

Re: Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:42 pm
by santiago

I'm trying to compile a simple lisp file with ABCL and obtain this error:

Compiling D:/otro/fmcs/; Compiling D:/otro/fmcs/ ...
Failed to get InputStream for 'jar:file:D:/otro/kernel/modules/fmcs.bin!/mcs_core_4.cls'
ABCL Debug.assertTrue() assertion failed!
java.lang.Error: ABCL Debug.assertTrue() assertion failed!

It's looks like that problem is when I try to load a defstruct... This is the file:

Code: Select all

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: FMCS -*-

(in-package "FMCS")

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Global variables
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *save-combined-methods* T)

(defvar STANDARD-OBJECT nil)
(defvar STANDARD-CLASS  nil)

(defvar STANDARD-ACCESSORS nil)  ; will be set below

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Data structure for objects of the Meta Class System
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; An object of the Meta Class System is represented as a structure.
;;; Its slots are represented as a vector called environment (env)

(defstruct (MCSOBJECT (:conc-name mcs-)
                      (:print-function print-mcs))   ; print-mcs defined below

(declaim (simple-vector mcs-env))

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Slot access functions
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Slots of each class object are:
;;;   isit  name  supers  cplist  all-slots  all-slot-defaults  own-slots
;;;   methods  basicnew-fn  slot-accessor-fn  subclasses

;;; Slots indices in all classes

(defmacro index-of-isit () 0)
(defmacro index-of-name () 1)
(defmacro index-of-supers () 2)
(defmacro index-of-cplist () 3)
(defmacro index-of-all-slots () 4)
(defmacro index-of-all-slot-defaults () 5)
(defmacro index-of-own-slots () 6)
(defmacro index-of-methods () 7)
(defmacro index-of-basicnew-fn () 8)
(defmacro index-of-slot-accessor-fn () 9)
(defmacro index-of-subclasses () 10)

;;; Systems internal slot access functions

(defmacro MCS-GET-SLOT (vector slot-position)
  `(svref ,vector ,slot-position))

(defmacro MCS-SLOT-VALUE (object slot-position)
  `(svref (mcs-env ,object) ,slot-position))

;;; Slot access function to use in methods

(defmacro GET-CLASS ()				;added e.gross
  `(svref inst-env (index-of-isit)))

(defmacro GET-SLOT (slot)			;changed e.gross
  `(svref inst-env
	  (funcall (svref class-env (index-of-slot-accessor-fn)) ,slot)))

;(defmacro SET-SLOT (slot new-value)
;  `(setf (svref inst-env 
;               (funcall (svref class-env (index-of-slot-accessor-fn)) ,slot)) 
;         ,new-value))

(defmacro GET-CLASS-SLOT (slot)
  (case (eval slot)
    (isit `(svref class-env (index-of-isit)))
    (name `(svref class-env (index-of-name)))
    (supers `(svref class-env (index-of-supers)))
    (cplist `(svref class-env (index-of-cplist)))
    (methods `(svref class-env (index-of-methods)))
    (basicnew-fn `(svref class-env (index-of-basicnew-fn)))
    (all-slots `(svref class-env (index-of-all-slots)))
    (t `(slot-value (mcs-get-slot inst-env (index-of-isit)) ,slot))

;(defmacro SET-CLASS-SLOT (slot new-value)
;  `(set-slot-value (mcs-get-slot inst-env (index-of-isit)) ,slot ,new-value)
;  )

;;; universal (public) slot access functions

(defun SLOT-VALUE (object slot)
  (let ((object-env (mcs-env object)))
    (svref object-env 
           (funcall (svref (mcs-env (svref object-env (index-of-isit))) 

(defun SET-SLOT-VALUE (object slot value)
  (let ((object-env (mcs-env object)))
    (setf (svref object-env 
                 (funcall (svref (mcs-env (svref object-env (index-of-isit))) 

(defsetf slot-value set-slot-value)

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Data structure for method entries
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defstruct METHOD-ENTRY

;;; methods-list = ((:before . before-fn) ... (:after . after-fn))
;;; methods lambda list: 
;;;   of around and primary methods:
;;;      (self class-env inst-env next-methods args arg1 arg2 ...)
;;;   of before and after methods:
;;;      (self class-env inst-env arg1 arg2 ...)

(defmacro GET-SELECTOR-ENTRY (a_selector)
  `(gethash ,a_selector (get-class-slot 'methods))

(defmacro GET-QUALIFIED-METHOD (qualifier list-of-methods)
  `(assoc ,qualifier ,list-of-methods :test #'eq))

(defmacro QUALIFIER-OF (method)
  `(first ,method))

(defmacro LAMBDA-EXPR-OF (method)
  `(rest ,method))

(defmacro add-qualified-method (qualifier method-entry new-fn)
  `(let ((qualified-method 
          (get-qualified-method ,qualifier (method-entry-methods-list ,method-entry))))
     (if qualified-method
       (rplacd qualified-method ,new-fn)
       (setf (method-entry-methods-list ,method-entry)
             (acons ,qualifier
                    (method-entry-methods-list ,method-entry)

(defmacro around-of (applicable-methods)
  `(first ,applicable-methods))

(defmacro demons-of (applicable-methods)
  `(rest ,applicable-methods))

(defmacro before-of (applicable-methods)
  `(second ,applicable-methods))

(defmacro primary-of (applicable-methods)
  `(third ,applicable-methods))

(defmacro after-of (applicable-methods)
  `(fourth ,applicable-methods))

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Method combination functions
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------


(defun DEMON-METHOD-COMBINATION (self class-env inst-env selector applicable-methods args)
  (declare (ignore selector))
  (let ((before-methods (before-of applicable-methods))
        (primary-methods (primary-of applicable-methods))
        (after-methods (after-of applicable-methods)))
       (if (null before-methods) (return ()))
       (apply (pop before-methods) 
              self class-env inst-env args))
     (apply (first primary-methods)
            self class-env inst-env :primary-caller (rest primary-methods) 
            args args)
       (if (null after-methods) (return ()))
       (apply (pop after-methods) 
              self class-env inst-env args))


(defun STANDARD-METHOD-COMBINATION (self class-env inst-env selector applicable-methods
  (let ((around-methods (around-of applicable-methods)))
    (if around-methods 
      (apply (first around-methods)
             self class-env inst-env 
             :around-caller (cons (rest around-methods) 
                                  (demons-of applicable-methods)) 
      (demon-method-combination self class-env inst-env selector applicable-methods args)


(defun SIMPLE-METHOD-COMBINATION (self class-env inst-env selector applicable-methods
  (declare (ignore selector))
  (let ((primary-methods (primary-of applicable-methods)))
    (apply (first primary-methods)
           self class-env inst-env :primary-caller (rest primary-methods)
           args args)

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; General message handler
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmacro GET-COMBINED-METHOD (a_selector)
  `(let ((method-entry (gethash ,a_selector (get-class-slot 'methods))))
     (if method-entry (method-entry-combined-method method-entry))))


(defun STANDARD-MESSAGE-HANDLER (self class-env inst-env selector args)
  (let ((combined-method (get-combined-method selector)))
    (if combined-method 
      (funcall (svref combined-method 0)
               self class-env inst-env selector (svref combined-method 1) args)
        (method-combination-fn applicable-methods)
        (standard-method-lookup class-env selector)
        (if applicable-methods
            (if *save-combined-methods*
              (save-combined-method class-env selector
                                    method-combination-fn applicable-methods))
            (funcall method-combination-fn
                     self class-env inst-env selector applicable-methods args))
          (standard-message-handler self class-env inst-env 
                                    :default-handler (cons selector args)))

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Send functions and macros
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun SEND-MESSAGE (self selector &rest args)
  (if (typep self 'mcsobject)
    (let* ((inst-env (mcs-env self))
           (class-env (mcs-env (svref inst-env (index-of-isit)))))
      (standard-message-handler self class-env inst-env selector args))
    (format nil "ERROR in SEND: SEND can't be applied on ~S" self)))

(defun SEND-FAST (self sel &rest args)
  (let* ((inst-env (mcs-env self))
         (class-env (mcs-env (svref inst-env (index-of-isit)))))
    (standard-message-handler self class-env inst-env sel args)))

(defmacro SEND-SELF (sel &rest args)
  `(standard-message-handler self class-env inst-env ,sel (list ,@args)))

; ++++++

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Compile method functions
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun SAVE-COMBINED-METHOD (class-env selector method-combination-fn
  (let ((method-entry (gethash selector (get-class-slot 'methods))))
    (if method-entry
      (setf (method-entry-combined-method (gethash selector (get-class-slot 'methods)))
            (vector method-combination-fn applicable-methods))
      (setf (gethash selector (get-class-slot 'methods))
            (make-method-entry :type 'standard
                               :methods-list nil
                               (vector method-combination-fn applicable-methods)))

(defun COMBINE-CLASS-METHOD (a_class a_selector)
  (let ((class-env (mcs-env a_class)))
      (method-combination-fn applicable-methods)
      (standard-method-lookup class-env a_selector)
      (if applicable-methods
        (let ((method-entry (gethash a_selector (get-class-slot 'methods))))
          (if method-entry
            (setf (method-entry-combined-method 
                   (gethash a_selector (get-class-slot 'methods)))
                  (vector method-combination-fn applicable-methods))
            (setf (gethash a_selector (get-class-slot 'methods))
                   :type 'standard :methods-list nil
                   (vector method-combination-fn applicable-methods))))
          (format nil "Method ~S of class ~S has been combined" a_selector a_class))
        (format nil "No Method ~S of class ~S could been combined" a_selector a_class)

(defmacro COMBINE-CLASS-METHODS (&rest classes)
  `(let ((list-of-classes ',classes))
       (if (null list-of-classes) (return ()))
       (let* ((class  (eval (pop list-of-classes)))
              (all-methods-list (send-message class :get-protocol)))
           (if (null all-methods-list) (return ()))
           (combine-class-method class (pop all-methods-list)))))

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Call-next-method macro and functions
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; CALL-NEXT-METHOD  can be used in :around and :primary methods
;;; If (call-next-method) occurs in an :around method, the next :around method 
;;; is called, if there is one. If no, procede with :before, primary and :after
;;; methods. If (call-next-method) occurs in a :primary method the next 
;;; :primary method is called, if there is one. If no, an error message is send.

(defun CALL-NEXT-METHOD-FN (self class-env inst-env caller next-methods args)
  (if (eq caller :primary-caller)
    (let ((next-method (first next-methods)))
      (if next-method 
        (apply next-method
               self class-env inst-env 
               :primary-caller (rest next-methods) args 
        (error "Can't call next method from primary method.")))
    (let ((around-methods (around-of next-methods)))
      (if around-methods
        (apply (first around-methods)
               self class-env inst-env 
               :around-caller (cons (rest around-methods) 
                                    (demons-of next-methods)) 
               args args)
        (demon-method-combination self class-env inst-env 

(defmacro CALL-NEXT-METHOD (&rest changed-args)
  (if changed-args
    `(call-next-method-fn self class-env inst-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods 
    `(call-next-method-fn self class-env inst-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args)

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Method lookup functions
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(declaim (inline GET-METHOD-ENTRY))

(defun GET-METHOD-ENTRY (a_class a_selector)
  (gethash a_selector (mcs-slot-value a_class (index-of-methods))))

(defun STANDARD-METHOD-LOOKUP (class-env a_selector)
  (let ((r-class-precedence-list (reverse (get-class-slot 'cplist)))
        (around-methods nil) (before-methods nil) (primary-methods nil) 
        (after-methods nil))
      (if (null r-class-precedence-list) 
         (if primary-methods
           (values (if around-methods 
                     (if (or before-methods after-methods) 
                   (list around-methods before-methods 
                         primary-methods (reverse after-methods)))
           (if (or after-methods before-methods around-methods)
             (error "Method combination error: missing primary method for ~S."
             (values nil nil)))))
      (let ((method (get-method-entry (pop r-class-precedence-list) a_selector)))
        (if method
          (let ((own-methods-list (method-entry-methods-list method)))
            (let ((around-method (get-qualified-method :around own-methods-list))
                  (before-method (get-qualified-method :before own-methods-list))
                  (primary-method (get-qualified-method :primary own-methods-list))
                  (after-method (get-qualified-method :after own-methods-list))
              (if before-method 
                (setq before-methods (cons (lambda-expr-of before-method) before-methods)))
              (if after-method
                (setq after-methods (cons (lambda-expr-of after-method) after-methods)))
              (if primary-method
                (setq primary-methods (cons (lambda-expr-of primary-method) primary-methods)))
              (if around-method
                (setq around-methods (cons (lambda-expr-of around-method) around-methods)))

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Defmethod macro and helps
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun modify-body (body add-parameter-list &optional result)
  (let ((f (first body))
        (r (rest body)))
    (cond ((typep f 'string)
           (modify-body r add-parameter-list (list f)))
          ((and (listp f) (eq (first f) 'declare))
           (modify-body r add-parameter-list (append result (list f))))
          (t (append result 
                     #+(or :MCL :EXCL) 
                     '((declare (ignore-if-unused self class-env inst-env 
                                                  mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args)))
                     #-(or :MCL :EXCL) 

(defun MAKE-LAMBDA-EXPR (qualifier parameter-list body)
  (let ((add-parameter-list
         (if (member qualifier '(:around :primary) :test #'eq)
           `(self class-env inst-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args)
           `(self class-env inst-env))))
    `(lambda (,@add-parameter-list ,@parameter-list)
       ,@(modify-body body add-parameter-list))))

(defun REMOVE-INVALID-COMBINED-METHODS (a_class selector)
  (let ((method-entry (gethash selector
                               (mcs-slot-value a_class (index-of-methods)))))
    (if method-entry (setf (method-entry-combined-method method-entry) nil)))
  (let ((subclasses (mcs-slot-value a_class (index-of-subclasses))))
      (if (null subclasses) (return ()))
      (remove-invalid-combined-methods (pop subclasses) selector))))

(defmacro DEFMETHOD ((a_class . qualifier-and-selector) parameter-list 
                     &rest body)
  (let ((qualifier (if (second qualifier-and-selector) 
                     (first qualifier-and-selector) 
        (selector (if (second qualifier-and-selector) 
                    (second qualifier-and-selector) 
                    (first qualifier-and-selector))))
    `(let ((method-entry
            (gethash ,selector (mcs-slot-value ,a_class (index-of-methods))))
            (function ,(make-lambda-expr qualifier parameter-list body))))
       (if method-entry
         (add-qualified-method ,qualifier method-entry new-method-fn)
         (setf (gethash ,selector (mcs-slot-value ,a_class (index-of-methods)))
               (make-method-entry :type 'standard
                                  (acons ,qualifier new-method-fn ())
                                  :combined-method nil) ))
       (remove-invalid-combined-methods ,a_class ,selector)
       (format nil "~:[~S~;~S ~S~] of ~S" (second ',qualifier-and-selector)
               ,@qualifier-and-selector ',a_class))))

;;;     Basic slot access methods   

(eval-when (compile eval load)
  (defun gen-get-slot-method (index)
    (let ((call-next-parms '(mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args)))
      `(lambda (self class-env inst-env . ,call-next-parms)
	 (declare (ignore self class-env . ,call-next-parms))
	 (svref inst-env ,index))))
  (defun gen-set-slot-method (index)
    (let ((call-next-parms '(mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args)))
      `(lambda (self class-env inst-env ,@call-next-parms value)
	 (declare (ignore self class-env ,@call-next-parms))
	 (setf (svref inst-env ,index) value))))

(defun gen-get-slot-closure (index)
  #'(lambda (self class-env inst-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args)
      (declare (ignore self class-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args))
      (svref inst-env index)))

(defun gen-set-slot-closure (index)
  #'(lambda (self class-env inst-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args value)
      (declare (ignore self class-env mcs%caller mcs%next-methods mcs%args))
      (setf (svref inst-env index) value)))

(defmacro generate-standard-accessors (nr &aux result)
  `(let ((array (make-array ,nr :adjustable t)))
     (declare (vector array))
     ,@(dotimes  (i nr (nreverse result))
         (declare (fixnum i nr))
         (setf result  
               (cons `(setf (aref array ,i) 
                            (cons (function ,(gen-get-slot-method i))
                                  (function ,(gen-set-slot-method i))))

(defun adjust-standard-accessors (array nr)
  (declare (vector array)
           (fixnum nr))
  (let ((i (length array)))
    (declare (fixnum i))
    (multiple-value-bind (x y) (ceiling nr 16)
      (declare (ignore x))
      (setq nr (- nr y))
      ;  x nil)  ; because x should be ignored
      (adjust-array array nr)
        (if (>= i nr)
          (return array))
        (setf (aref array i) 
              (cons (gen-get-slot-closure i)
                    (gen-set-slot-closure i)))
        (setq i (1+ i))))))

;;; Generate 48 standard slot access methods

(setq STANDARD-ACCESSORS (generate-standard-accessors 64))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;;;                    -*- USER INTERFACE -*-
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 

(defun PRINT-MCS (object stream depth)
  (declare (ignore depth))
  (let ((class-env (mcs-env (mcs-slot-value object (index-of-isit)))))
    (if (member 'supers (mcs-get-slot class-env (index-of-all-slots)))
      (format stream "#<mcs-class ~S>" 
              (mcs-slot-value object (index-of-name)))
      (format stream "#<mcs-instance of ~S>" 
	      (mcs-get-slot class-env (index-of-name))))))

(defun DESCRIBE-MCS (object &optional (stream t))
  (if (typep object 'mcsobject)
    (let* ((inst-env (mcs-env object))
           (class-env (mcs-env (mcs-get-slot inst-env (index-of-isit))))
      (format stream "~&~S, an object of class ~S,~% has instance variable values:~%" 
              object (mcs-get-slot class-env (index-of-name)))
      (dolist (ivar (mcs-get-slot class-env (index-of-all-slots)))
        (format stream "~%       ~S:~27T~S" ivar (slot-value object ivar))))
    (describe object)))

;;; DEFMETHOD macro already defined

(defmacro DEFCLASS (a_class a_list-of-instance-variables a_list-of-superclasses
                            &key (metaclass 'standard-class))
  `(setq ,a_class
         (funcall (mcs-slot-value ,metaclass (index-of-basicnew-fn))
                  :name ',a_class 
                  :supers (if ',a_list-of-superclasses 
                            (list ,@a_list-of-superclasses)
                            (list standard-object))
                  :own-slots ',a_list-of-instance-variables

(defmacro DEFMETACLASS (a_class a_list-of-instance-variables a_list-of-superclasses
                                &key (metaclass 'standard-class))
  `(setq ,a_class
         (funcall (mcs-slot-value ,metaclass (index-of-basicnew-fn))
                  :name ',a_class 
                  :supers (if ',a_list-of-superclasses 
                            (list ,@a_list-of-superclasses)
                            (list standard-class))
                  :own-slots ',a_list-of-instance-variables

(defmacro MAKE-INSTANCE (a_class &rest initializations)
  `(let ((class ,(if (and (listp a_class) (eq (first a_class) 'quote))
                   (second a_class)
                   `(eval ,a_class))))
     (funcall (mcs-slot-value class (index-of-basicnew-fn))
              class ,@initializations)))

;;; eof


Re: Load a LISP Application into Java

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:55 pm
by gugamilare
I added CODE tags in the last post for the identation of the code to be preserved.